US Navy Basecamp in JEJU Island, S.Korea (제주도에 미 7함대 기지 유치)

2021.04.10 11:59:35

- 기독자유통일당이 집권하면 제주도에 미 7함대 기지를 유치할 계획입니다.
- CCP is Satan. Korea-USA alliance must fight against CCP.

February 29, 2021


Dear Sir/Madam,


I am a Northwestern LLM alumnus Young-Yeel Ko – a retired Lieutenant Junior in the Korean Navy, a Senior Partner at Harvest Law Office, and the Chair of Christian Liberty Unification Party. I’m writing this letter mainly to our fellow Christian, conservative, right-wing (e.g., Republican) leaders in the US to help strengthen our sacrosanct US-Korea alliance and, by extension, to fight against the insidious forces of socialism and communism that is CCP.


On our end, I, with our party’s Communication Director, Mr. Sang-hoon Sung, have recently aired a 26-minute YouTube broadcast which delineates policies that, in our opinion, not only would strengthen the US military presence in the Far East, but also prove to be mutually beneficial in economic terms. In short, we pledge to provide a US naval military base in the Jeju Island, which would prove to be an iron-clad buffer against CCP’s military and ideological encroachment in the region and beyond.


For your information, not unlike the systemic and widespread election “irregularities” that the US (notably the Republican Party) has faced in its recent presidential election of 2020, the Republic of Korea (and our party), too, recently faced significant “irregularities” during our recent 2020 General Election that resulted in statistically impossible losses of our votes, which many attribute to the pernicious influences of the CCP. Be that as it may, we are in the same fight, and we are both in it to reclaim the lost liberties in our respective lands.


Please find attached a link to the aforementioned broadcast titled “Building a US Naval Base in Jeju Island”. And for your viewership, we have provided the English subtitles with painstaking care. Please take a moment to watch the broadcast in its entirety, and I look forward to following up with you in the near future.

Yours truly,

Young Yeel Ko, Chair of Christian Liberty Unification Party

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                  ( CCP is Satan. Korea-USA alliance must fight against CCP. ) 

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